You’ve waited for a long time to go camping and we want your stay to be all you expect it to be. That said, your first night or two of sleeping at the campground can be a little restless. It often happens in an unfamiliar place for a couple of nights and camping is no exception.
You may hear unfamiliar noises in the night at first. The neighbor’s dog may bark, or you might hear voices coming from a few campsites away. Hopefully these won’t interrupt your sleep but if they do you can try using white noise to cancel it out. A lot of people travel with a white noise machine. Most allow you to choose between gentle music and nature sounds such as rain or a gentle breeze.
Many people find sleeping success with a fan running at night. They often bring one with them. The quiet noise made by the fan blades can help mask sounds from around your campsite. You can also try avoiding caffeine after dinner and not staying up too late. Being over stimulated or over tired can cause difficulties falling asleep.
We hope every night of your stay is restful and refreshing. Try a few of these things if you have problems dropping off to sleep.