Shadow puppets–a game many of us loved to play when we were little. The same holds true for kids today, and an RV camping trip is one of the best times to show them how. Camping families get to spend more quiet time together, just talking and telling stories. You’re away from the busyness of your everyday life, with more opportunity for teaching your kids some of the things you loved doing when you were their age.
Making shadow puppets is one of those old games that feels good for adults to revisit and young ones to learn. You can show your children how to make a bunny rabbit, dove, ferocious monster, or even a reindeer. If you find you’re having trouble remembering how you did your favorites, the video linked below will show you how.
This family camping activity only requires a dark night, source of light, pair of hands, and some imagination. Kids love learning the puppets you know how to make, and you’ll get plenty of laughs when they start inventing their own. You can spend hours before bed, just hanging out together and experimenting with new shadow puppet ideas. And the best part of all is that your kids can pass the skill on to their kids when the time comes for their own family camping trips.
We know you enjoy making memories when you’re RV camping. That’s kind of the point of the whole thing. You get to spend time with family and friends, away from all the things that steal your time in the day-to-day. Spending an hour or so each night with an activity like this will strengthen the bond you have with your kids, and leave you relaxed for the best night of sleep in your life!