You’ll want to spend most of your time outside when you’re camping. Having a screened tent can make this even more comfortable for the whole family. You’ll be shaded when you want it and protected from rain. It’s convenient for keeping mosquitoes away and it’s handy for storing your camping gear at night. They are easy to set up and usually pretty durable.
Finding the perfect screened dining tent, often referred to as a screened canopy or screened canopy tent, can take some time but it is definitely one of those things worth doing to make sure you are picking up the best match for your specific needs before dropping hundreds of dollars on equipment that might not fit your specific needs.
Take a look at these following tips and by following them you will be far more likely to find one that works perfectly for what you need.
Think About Use
If the main use is to keep bugs at bay then it doesn’t matter so much if all four sides have screens but if you are thinking about using this as a way to keep some rain out, the problem is that this only works for most designs if the rain is straight down, and even then if the screens pull out a bit from the top then that is still a problem.
Make sure this is what you actually want as opposed to a rain fly or multi-tarp setup instead.
Compare Warranty Offerings
While you always want a high quality piece of equipment, you need a good warranty just to make sure that you are covered if something does happen. By comparing warranties you can find the best coverage that will take care of you and your specific needs. A 6 month limited warranty doesn’t compare to a 12 month full coverage warranty and you do want to take this into consideration.
Price Shop – But As Part Of The Equation
Obviously everyone knows the importance of price in making a decision, but take that as part of the decision and not as the final say. This way you are choosing based on a full picture and not talking yourself into a cheaper option that won’t come through.
We hope you enjoy lots of time outdoors while you are camping and be sure to say hello if you see us in the campground.
Photo credit: Tracie Hall via Flickr CC