As RV park owners on a river in Central Texas, we know what it’s like to be impacted by natural disaster, both personally and professionally. We’ve been through three floods, and now a hurricane evacuation due to Hurricane Harvey.
Natural disasters are hard on people in every way. They’re physically exhausting. They’re emotionally draining. It’s mind-numbing to steel yourself as you take care of everyone else, hardly giving yourself a chance to worry about the risk to your own family.
It’s devastating to watch all the hard work, energy, and time that was put in by an incredible staff just literally wash away. Heartbreaking to watch RVs–often wonderful boxes of memories for good people–float away. And last but not least, natural disasters can be financially devastating.
Without the generosity of the RVing community, our customers, our families, and help from organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and the Texas Association of Campground Owners (TACO) Disaster Relief Fund, Pecan Park Riverside RV Park would not still be here. We wouldn’t even be in business.
So for that, we say again, thank you. Those words will never be enough, but you know who you are.
We Can’t Stand by and Watch
We have always been a family that gives generously behind closed doors because our faith instructs us to. But we feel led at this time to do something more public, enlisting the help of others who might feel led to do the same.
Pecan Park has been spared this time. Perhaps you have not been. Maybe you too have been affected, both personally and professionally. Or maybe you have a special RV park where your family has made tons of memories that has been affected by Hurricane Harvey. We sure do! Rockport and Port Aransas have been our favorite RV spots as a family for years. In fact, we returned home from Rockport the Monday before the town began evacuations! It’s mind boggling to me that our dear haven has been leveled by the storm.
Join Camping for a Cause for Hurricane Harvey Victims
With empathy in our hearts, we invite fellow RVers, both customers and park owners, to join in our Camping for a Cause initiative. From now through October 31, 2017 (possibly longer), we are committing 25% of nightly stays at Pecan Park to TACO’s Disaster Relief Fund.
If you have a business associated with the RV industry or are an industry leader, we appreciate your help spreading the word among your community. Or perhaps you have an idea of how we can partner together for this cause. If so, please contact us directly.
There are some amazing RV parks in Texas that need all the help available, so that many of their customers and owners can have a home again. The Texas coast has been a place of refuge for our own family. Let’s help those in need restore this wonderful area.